Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hair Donation~ Locks of Love gettting a package from me!

I finally decided to take it all (well, alot of it) off!

I went yesterday to get my hair cut~ really cut.

I found out about Locks of Love from a friend of mine about 3 years ago.
She had grown her hair out and donated it. I thought that was pretty neat. I hadn't thought of

actually doing it myself till very recently.

I had always wanted to have long hair. As a kid my hair would simply not grow.
So, growing up in the early eighties as I did, I had a Dorthy Hamil
style most of my childhood.

About 5 years ago I decided to see how long I could grow my hair.
It has been pretty long ever since.
Now, I was ready cut it off and send it away. (After taking a picture of it) *sheepish grin*

Here is the before shot. (sorry these are not great shots, I took them myself with the timer)

From the Back

And Now..... The after shot! 13 inches + gone!

Wow! I feel so much lighter! :-)

From what I felt on my head, I could have sworn they cut off a 1/2lb. of hair. But once I felt it in

my hand, I thought ...

hmm... probably only about 4 oz. I was wrong.

I weighed it and according to my postal scale it's not even 3 oz! More than 13 inches of hair and it

didn't even weigh 3 oz.

I will send it off today.

I love my new short hair, but I will kinda miss that bit *sniff*

I might grow it out again and donate another time. It's a fun thing to do.

1 comment:

Sally Sue said...

Congratulations on the cut. That takes courage, and I should know--two years ago on an impulse I chopped off my 10 or 12 inch ponytail myself. Eeek! I loved donating it, though, and right now I'm growing it out to do it all over again. :)